Meetup: Find events near you

This app is developed by Meetup for Android users and maybe you have heard about this company. By using this interesting app meet with new peoples, and do the new things.

About Meetup App

The meetup app is an equitable platform for finding and building local connections. You may use this meetup app to meet new people, find support, learn new things, pursue passions, or get out of your comfort zone. And you can experience it at close-at-hand locations. The app makes use of the device’s precise location (GPS and network-based) to recommend Meetup events that are nearby. If you are still wondering, what all can this app lets you do, here is your answer:


Exploration: Visit places and try new things with like-minded people.

Build Career: To move forward in your career, you can build a network, learn a language, take a class, and pitch to investors through this app.

Get Creative: If you are into any creative field, it’s advisable to create a group and get feedback on your work.

The app is weaved around one simple idea, “when we get together and do the things that matter to us, we’re at our best.” And that’s what the app does with an exactitude. Here are some of the popular Meetup group reviews:

  • Tech Meetup groups
  • Fitness Meetup groups
  • Hiking Meetup groups
  • Career and Networking Meetup groups
  • Photography Meetup groups
  • New in Town Meetup groups
  • Social Meetup groups and more.


Why we love it?

We have found the best things while we were using this app. It is an amazing app for socializing and having fun with your friends and different peoples. This app is very interesting with the active community where you find the different groups for a lot of different interests. You can check the upcoming events from the event organizers and from your friends by using this app, and you can upload the event photos.

Key Features!

  • Explore your interests
  • Search groups
  • Location wise preferences
Download Link Meetup
Price Free
Category Social


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